Weekly Update – June 17

The First Philly Virtual Graduates
- Asset return continues this week, and ends this Friday. So get all those books and laptops to the drop-in center, room 1078, 440 North Broad St.
- Our first senior class graduated on Thursday June 5th, at Temple Performing Arts Center, Congrats to all our seniors! Bill Cosby came, and spoke, where were you?
- Report Cards will be given out soon! But before you can get those straight As all assets must be returned.
Middle School Wednesday June 18th
High School Thursday June 19th from 10-1pm in the drop-in Center
- Re-enroll for next year here. The form is just under our video.
- Summer School Registration opens June 23-27. No shock here, but only students who have returned all their assets and paid all outstanding penalties can register, so get those assets in and your penalties cleared!
- Don’t forget: PVA Student emails remain active all year long!
Stay up to date by following this Blog! Enjoy your summer vacation, read a book a stay safe!
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