Announcing the Fiscal Year 2026 Budget Priorities Survey! Learn more and participate HERE
“This one I just came about drawing, because I didn’t know what to draw, then I just started a head just as a joke and I was going to erase it later. I always had trouble drawing people, and I wanted to make a rough draft for how I would do it when I use…
I would call this art “Alternate Dimensions” because it I was thinking about what life is like in different dimensions. Scientists spend so much time trying to find a way to the farthest reaches of the universe, but what if sometimes the life there are tying to send us a message that they are closer than…
On May 27, Philadelphia Virtual Academy + Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts had their last Middle School Art Outreach. During this program PVA students engaged in a hands on art experience under the direction of Art Educators from PAFA, who supplied all the necessary materials. Art Educators from PaFa taught the students how to make…