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Posts tagged ‘Elearning’

Portugal’s EdTech Success Story

  Portugal’s government launched the National Technology Plan for Education (NTPN) to combat poor international test results, economic decline and scant internet access.  According to Laura Devaney from eSchool News, the NTPN’s goal was to create a knowledge-based society, using technology and internet access to make the country’s education system not only current, but top-notch. The…

PVA Weekly Update — April 14th

Breaking News:  The weather, it’s gorgeous!  Get outside this week, PVA.  Now onto the real news. Sign ups for “PVA Goes to the Opera” are due tomorrow.  We’ll be seeing a special rendition of Mozart’s Don Giovanni at the Academy of Music as part of the Kimmel Center. PSSA’s are unfortunately still in the news…

Protecting Yourself from Identity Theft

This week’s EdTech post focuses on the very real threat of identity theft online.  Once considered a joke, identity theft is now a common issue in Washington, D.C. and something to protect yourself from today.  Almost monthly, a new story breaks about hundreds of thousands of passwords, personal information, and credit card numbers being hacked…

PVA Weekly Update — April 7th

First and foremost, go ahead and sign up for “PVA Goes to the Opera”.  We’ll be visiting the Academy of Music at the Kimmel Center to see Mozart’s “Don Giovanni” on April 23rd. Last week, PVA wrapped up its PSSA testing– great job everyone! But if you missed your testing window, make-ups are going on…

Students of the Month — The Legare Sisters

Congratulations Diamond and Jasmine Legare on being named Philadelphia Virtual Academy’s Students of the Month!  These twin sisters were born on April 12th, 1998 (which means their birthday is in nine days!). They are 10th graders at Philly Virtual and both are regulars at 440 N. Broad’s Drop-In Learning Center.  They also sing in their…

There’s a Major for Everyone. Even You, Mr. Puppeteer.

Going once, going twice, sold to the undecided student! Did you know you can major in Auctioneering?  Or the Beatles?  It’s true that there’s truly something for everyone.  Maybe not at every college, but if you do find something you’re more passionate about than anything else in the world, there is probably somewhere in the…

PVA Weekly Update – March 31st

It’s time for Philly Virtual’s update in its usual fashion, weekly. Last week, 6th and 7th graders finished up their PSSA’s, congratulations everyone!  You all worked hard and put forth a commendable effort, great job!  This week the 8th graders will begin their PSSA’s.  Good luck! On Wednesday of last week, both middle and high…

TED Talk: The Child-Driven Education by Sugata Mitra

After several experiments across the globe, educational scientist, Sugata Mitra, discovered some interesting facets in the development of education. [ted id=949]

Parlez-vous français?: Benefits of Multilingualism

Sometimes it’s required for school, sometimes your parents make you– regardless, the idea of learning a whole new language is often not appealing. It takes a lot of work, and what good does it really do in the long run? A lot, actually. It makes you think differently and works out your brain.Speaking another language…

PVA Weekly Update — March 24th

This week and the last are both dominated by the preparation and application of everyone’s favorite testing program, the PSSA’s… We know it’s not the best week of the year, so PVA would like to commend all the students who came to PSSA testing orientation throughout last week. Also, last week we had another PAFA…