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Posts tagged ‘for parents’

parent workshop

PVA Parent Workshop Information

  You’re Invited: Help your student reach his or her potential! PVA’s Spring Parent Workshop will be Tuesday April 25th and headed by our very own Ms. Evans. This will be a great opportunity for parents to get more involved in their child’s education here at PVA. Topics that will be covered include electives, end dates,…


Make Reading Fun!

With latest technology, it makes it easy to zoom pass what we use to take time and appreciate.  That includes reading.  Contemporary kids do not bother to read anymore.  Even for school assignments, it is easy to access the summary of the book, or if the book is made into a movie, they will rather watch…


Dear Parents: How to Prepare Your Kid For the Future

When was the last time you asked your child ‘what do you want to be when you grow up?’  This cliche question that may seem dreamy and irrelevant now, it is proven to get kid’s brain pumping.  Whenever I was asked this question, I always said, “I don’t know.”  Maybe that is why I spent…