On February 13th at 4 p.m. the Board of Education will hold a Goals and Guardrails Committee Meeting.
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All SDP schools and offices will be closed on Friday, February 14, 2025 in observance of
the Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles’ City-Wide Celebration. GO BIRDS!!

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Posts tagged ‘online ed’

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Tips to Starting a Successful School Year

As summer comes to an end, it is time for students to begin thinking about how to go about managing their school work. There are many ways to plan ahead in the beginning of the school year, so that it isn’t hard to keep up with the work once the year fully starts. Get in…

Student Achievers Reception

Last Thursday, June 5, some of us at PVA attended the Student Achievers Reception at the Philadelphia Union League. It was sponsored by the Philadelphia Tribune and Wells Fargo and honored students who had to overcome hardships but still graduated. PVA’s Charles Warren was one of fifty seniors to be recognized! The ceremony featured remarks…

“What I Love About You” by Tamia Blash

I love the way you look at me, Your eyes so bright and blue. I love the way you kiss me, Your lips so soft and smooth.   I love the way you make me so happy, And the ways you show you care. I love the way you say, “I Love You,” And the…

Student of the Month — Nicole Ferrante

Congratulations to Nicole Ferrante for being named PVA’s Student of the Month for May! Nicole is just finishing up the 7th grade here at PVA. She is 13 years old and her birthday is coming up– July 5th! Her favorite subject in school is Language Arts, and outside of school really enjoys playing soccer with…

PVA Weekly Update — May 19

The end of the year brings in some exciting events! The 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony will be held Monday, June 2 and the 12th Grade Graduation Ceremony will be Thursday, June 12. Both of these events are invitation only. Check your emails for more information. Mark your calendar for Asset Return! You must return your…

PVA’s #MissionMascot

PVA is on a mission to find the perfect mascot! We’ve been brainstorming for the past few days in the drop-in centers and through social media with #MissionMascot, and we’ve come up with a few awesome ideas. Now we want your help to choose, so vote for your favorite below! [polldaddy poll=8037957]  

PVA Weekly Update — April 28

The spring weather is here to stay and with it come some exciting PVA announcements!   PVA Goes to the Opera Last Wednesday, some students and administrators headed over to the Academy of Fine arts to see an inspiring production of Mozart’s Don Giovanni! Can you find yourself or any of your friends in the…

Young Authors

We learn to write around the age of six, and we’re expected to continue writing throughout the rest of our lives– throughout school and as we continue into the workforce. Because of this, many people forget somewhere along the way that writing used to be an enjoyable activity. However, some people do not let go…