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Posts tagged ‘reading’


African American Read-In

The African American Read In (AARI) started 27 years ago by Black Caucus – National Council of Teachers of English. “The AARI is built on an ambitious yet confident premise; that a school and community reading event can be effective way to promote diversity in children’s literature, encourage young people to read, and shine a…

Classic Summer Reads For 9th Graders

A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times . . .” With these famous words, Charles Dickens plunges the reader into one of history’s most explosive eras—the French Revolution. From the storming of the Bastille to the relentless drop of the guillotine, Dickens vividly…


Make Reading Fun!

With latest technology, it makes it easy to zoom pass what we use to take time and appreciate.  That includes reading.  Contemporary kids do not bother to read anymore.  Even for school assignments, it is easy to access the summary of the book, or if the book is made into a movie, they will rather watch…


Printables for 6-8th Graders

  Is your child from ages 11-13?  Do they spend too much time on their cell phone?  Print these out for your kid to work on during their free time!  Browse by subject.