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Posts tagged ‘school district’


It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye

Goodbye, Au revior, Adios, Auf Wiedersehen, etc. those are the words I say to one of the most interesting, inspiring, and eventful 4 years of my life. These 4 years in high school are the years that molded me into the man I am today and I will be forever thankful for that. When I first started high…

Classic Summer Reads For 12th Graders

Brave New World Aldous Huxley Huxley´s vision of the future in his astonishing 1931 novel Brave New World — a world of tomorrow in which capitalist civilization has been reconstituted through the most efficient scientific and psychological engineering, where the people are genetically designed to be passive, consistently useful to the ruling class. Emma Jane…

Classic Summer Reads For 11th Graders

A Raisin in the Sun Lorraine Hansberry This live, full-cast performance of Lorraine Hansberry’s classic 1958 play tells the story of a working class African-American family living in a small apartment on Chicago’s Southside. The matriarchal Lena “Mama” Younger awaits the arrival of her deceased husband’s $10,000 life insurance check. Her son, Walter, maneuvers to…


Let’s Raise An Entrepreneur

With PVA being an innovative cyber-home school, I believe that entrepreneurship is an interesting topic to bring up. One of the reasons students prefer PVA is due to its flexibility with time. Instead of offering school experience, the students are given time to explore outside of a school setting. Bored in school, failing classes, at odds…


Understanding School Budget

This post is a continuation from the last post; click here if you haven’t seen it yet, After the Q&A session ended, the groups were treated to 2 expenditure scenarios because Mr. Stanki wanted to give the students a chance to see what he and his staff work on a regular basis. In these scenarios,…