FOR SCHOOL SELECTION APPLICANTS ONLY: We have extended the appeals deadline for applicants with a documented barrier to Tuesday, Dec 17th, 2024, at 5:00 pm EST

Preliminary eligibility statuses are now available: log in and learn more HERE.

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Posts tagged ‘sdp’

Parlez-vous français?: Benefits of Multilingualism

Sometimes it’s required for school, sometimes your parents make you– regardless, the idea of learning a whole new language is often not appealing. It takes a lot of work, and what good does it really do in the long run? A lot, actually. It makes you think differently and works out your brain.Speaking another language…


PAFA Art Workshop- Optic Illusion!

  On December 16th, we had our first PAFA art workshop right here in 440 N Broad st! Two art coordinators from PAFA were kind enough to come down and teach us about optic illusion. From the previous PAFA trip, our tour guide spoke a little bit about abstract art so during this workshop, we…