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Posts tagged ‘Student’


September Student of the Month: Steven Zhang

  Congratulations to Steven Zhang, PVA’s September Student of the Month! Steven is 15 years old and in 9th grade. His favorite school subject is biology, and he likes to play video games and read in his spare time. Steven decided to come to PVA so he could learn at his own pace, as well…


Are Cyber Schools for Anti-Social?

The first time I ever heard of cyber school was when I was attending Greenfield Elementary School in the 5th grade. I didn’t know as much about cyber school. Back then I thought that all cyber school students were kind of “weird” because they never have any human contact. How wrong I was… because 1 year later, my school was…


Make Reading Fun!

With latest technology, it makes it easy to zoom pass what we use to take time and appreciate.  That includes reading.  Contemporary kids do not bother to read anymore.  Even for school assignments, it is easy to access the summary of the book, or if the book is made into a movie, they will rather watch…


Dear Parents: How to Prepare Your Kid For the Future

When was the last time you asked your child ‘what do you want to be when you grow up?’  This cliche question that may seem dreamy and irrelevant now, it is proven to get kid’s brain pumping.  Whenever I was asked this question, I always said, “I don’t know.”  Maybe that is why I spent…

Student of the Month — Samantha Sacavage

Congratulations to June’s Student of the Month, Samantha Sacavage! Sam is 15 years old and is headed into her sophomore year here at PVA. She chose to come to PVA over a traditional school to stay away from drugs and get a proper education and she loves every minute of it. She is especially a…

Students of the Month — The Legare Sisters

Congratulations Diamond and Jasmine Legare on being named Philadelphia Virtual Academy’s Students of the Month!  These twin sisters were born on April 12th, 1998 (which means their birthday is in nine days!). They are 10th graders at Philly Virtual and both are regulars at 440 N. Broad’s Drop-In Learning Center.  They also sing in their…

Creating a Productive Study Space

Ever sit down to do homework and end up scrolling through Facebook for an hour instead? Nowadays, the solution isn’t as simple as turning off technology, as its use is frequently required for homework. If you find yourself easily distracted by your surroundings, try these seven tips on how to create a more productive study…

Hometown Pride: Rocky and More

Ever have that moment where you’re watching a movie and then suddenly you recognize a storefront, a street corner or a monument? If you’ve ever seen Rocky, I’m sure you immediately recognized the infamous steps out front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. In fact, there is now even a statue to remind Philadelphia and…

It Pays to Be a Student

In Philadelphia, being a student gets you more than just an education. For all of the time you put into your classes and homework, you can put more time into the city around you. To make this even better, many places around Philly offer student discounts as a reward for your hard work. The Kimmel…

Congratulations to PVA Senior Alessandra Mullin SDP’s Student of the Month!

Alessandra receiving her 500$ reward from Superintendent Dr. Hite