Congratulations to our February Student of the Month, Jada Lawrence! She has been doing great things at PVA this school year. Jada is 17 and in 10th grade. Jada decided to come to PVA because she thought it would be a better learning experience for her. Her favorite part of PVA is “being able to…
Congratulations to our January Student of the Month, Jordan! Jordan is 15 years old and in 9th grade. He decided to come to PVA to “get a better learning education”. His favorite part of PVA is that he can make his own schedule. Jordan’s favorite school subject is math. When he’s not busy with schoolwork,…
Congratulations go to our outstanding student of the month, Hannah Justice! Hannah is 17 years old and in 11th grade. She is known by her teachers as having a great attitude and work ethic. Hannah decided to come to PVA because she wanted a school to put her “back on track with lots of opportunities…
Congratulations to Brejha for a great start to the school year! Our October Student of the Month is 15 years old and in 10th grade. Brejha is known by her teachers as someone who is active in her courses and never falls behind. She can be counted on to complete her work on time. Brejha decided…
Congratulations to June’s Student of the Month, Samantha Sacavage! Sam is 15 years old and is headed into her sophomore year here at PVA. She chose to come to PVA over a traditional school to stay away from drugs and get a proper education and she loves every minute of it. She is especially a…
The school year comes to a close this Thursday the 5th at 4pm! Next week is Asset Return; everyone should plan to return laptops, books and mobile hotspots to 440 Room 1072 between 9am and 12pm based on the following schedule: Monday, June 9: Middle school Tuesday, June 10: 11th and 12 grade Wednesday, June…
Congratulations to Nicole Ferrante for being named PVA’s Student of the Month for May! Nicole is just finishing up the 7th grade here at PVA. She is 13 years old and her birthday is coming up– July 5th! Her favorite subject in school is Language Arts, and outside of school really enjoys playing soccer with…
The end of the year brings in some exciting events! The 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony will be held Monday, June 2 and the 12th Grade Graduation Ceremony will be Thursday, June 12. Both of these events are invitation only. Check your emails for more information. Mark your calendar for Asset Return! You must return your…
Congratulations Diamond and Jasmine Legare on being named Philadelphia Virtual Academy’s Students of the Month! These twin sisters were born on April 12th, 1998 (which means their birthday is in nine days!). They are 10th graders at Philly Virtual and both are regulars at 440 N. Broad’s Drop-In Learning Center. They also sing in their…
Khalid Abogourin is a seventh grader at PVA and will be celebrating his 13th birthday on February 27th. Khalid is an athlete (football and baseball especially) and a gamer. He also “loves to learn about new things.” His favorite subject at Philadelphia Virtual Academy is Mathematics. When asked why he chose PVA, Khalid responded, “We…