Announcing the Fiscal Year 2026 Budget Priorities Survey! Learn more and participate HERE
PVA Spelling Bee: Congratulations to 6th grader Ray Gracia, for becoming PVA’s first ever Scripps Spelling Bee School Champion. Congratulations also to Khalid Abogourin and Usamah Brown who finished as the first and second runners up respectively. Ray will represent PVA at The District wide Spelling Bee on March 7th at The High School of the…
The school year comes to a close this Thursday the 5th at 4pm! Next week is Asset Return; everyone should plan to return laptops, books and mobile hotspots to 440 Room 1072 between 9am and 12pm based on the following schedule: Monday, June 9: Middle school Tuesday, June 10: 11th and 12 grade Wednesday, June…
The end of the year brings in some exciting events! The 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony will be held Monday, June 2 and the 12th Grade Graduation Ceremony will be Thursday, June 12. Both of these events are invitation only. Check your emails for more information. Mark your calendar for Asset Return! You must return your…
With only five weeks left of school, we’re all looking towards the end! Before we can jump into summer, PVA has some announcements for the upcoming week! We would like to shout out a big congratulations to PVA’s own Lee Patterson for being selected for the Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching! Keep your eyes open…
The spring weather is here to stay and with it come some exciting PVA announcements! PVA Goes to the Opera Last Wednesday, some students and administrators headed over to the Academy of Fine arts to see an inspiring production of Mozart’s Don Giovanni! Can you find yourself or any of your friends in the…
As another nice week of weather rolls in, PVA rolls forward. Tomorrow is our trip to the Academy of Music at the Kimmel Center as “PVA Goes to the Opera.” We’ll be seeing a dress rehearsal of Mozart’s Don Giovanni. Students are welcome to simply meet at the Kimmel Center prior to the start time…
Breaking News: The weather, it’s gorgeous! Get outside this week, PVA. Now onto the real news. Sign ups for “PVA Goes to the Opera” are due tomorrow. We’ll be seeing a special rendition of Mozart’s Don Giovanni at the Academy of Music as part of the Kimmel Center. PSSA’s are unfortunately still in the news…
This week and the last are both dominated by the preparation and application of everyone’s favorite testing program, the PSSA’s… We know it’s not the best week of the year, so PVA would like to commend all the students who came to PSSA testing orientation throughout last week. Also, last week we had another PAFA…
Happy St. Patrick’s Day from PVA! Last week, on Wednesday, we had our first Writing Club meeting at 1:30pm in the Virtual Office. We had a decent turn out as students wrote about the “happiest place on earth” among other exercises. We also held our first “All things Math”- Club/Tutoring Session at the drop-in center…