Is your child from ages 11-13? Do they spend too much time on their cell phone? Print these out for your kid to work on during their free time! Browse by subject.
What is the Student Advisory Council (SAC)? Parent involvement is very important to PVA, and the SAC is one way we make sure parents are included and heard. It includes parents, school leadership and staff, community partners and students (for high school). The SAC is a space to discuss and collaborate on projects that ensure…
At PVA we emphasize individual attention and support for students in the form of the virtual office and other one to one learning opportunities. Our staff constantly monitor student progress to ensure mastery and are quick to build in personalized supports and intervention plans before they’re needed. We communicate with students daily via email, telephone,…
Like many aspects of PVA, our mascot was created and chosen by PVA students. Our new school needed a mascot to unite our students and give them something to hang on their walls. A mascot was a clear choice to build school pride, and because we value our students’ opinions we worked together to brainstorm…
PVA is on a mission to find the perfect mascot! We’ve been brainstorming for the past few days in the drop-in centers and through social media with #MissionMascot, and we’ve come up with a few awesome ideas. Now we want your help to choose, so vote for your favorite below! [polldaddy poll=8037957]
Welcome to Philadelphia Virtual Academy’s blog! We will share interesting topics on technology, useful tips for seniors, and highlight our star students along with many other things. Feel free to reply to our posts and let us know topics you would like us to discuss. We hope you enjoy! -PVA