Announcing the Fiscal Year 2026 Budget Priorities Survey! Learn more and participate HERE
An avid card player, Dominique is not just a shark at the table, but also in Geography class and on the soccer field. Dominique is 14 years old and a 9th grader at Philly Virtual. His Birthday is August 12th, 1999, so mark it down on your calendar. When he is not kicking the soccer…
Khalid Abogourin is a seventh grader at PVA and will be celebrating his 13th birthday on February 27th. Khalid is an athlete (football and baseball especially) and a gamer. He also “loves to learn about new things.” His favorite subject at Philadelphia Virtual Academy is Mathematics. When asked why he chose PVA, Khalid responded, “We…
Carmen Falu is a junior at PVA, although she may not be for much longer if she continues finishing classes early. In particular, she excels in Science and English—her two favorite subjects. Carmen attributes a small part of her success at PVA to being able to work at her own pace and at home, so…