We’ve been posting EdTech blogs each Wednesday for the past two months now. PVA has detailed M.O.O.C, big data, TED Talks, mobile connectivity to the classroom and much more. Today, we decided to see what other blogs were saying about education technology, or EdTech as many refer to it. We came across this incredible blog…
Khalid Abogourin is a seventh grader at PVA and will be celebrating his 13th birthday on February 27th. Khalid is an athlete (football and baseball especially) and a gamer. He also “loves to learn about new things.” His favorite subject at Philadelphia Virtual Academy is Mathematics. When asked why he chose PVA, Khalid responded, “We…
An already prevalent figure in educational content, Discovery has adopted a new website configured specifically for those using M.O.O.C.s and those learning independently. With the tagline, “Never Stop Learning”, Discovery wants you to “Explore and be inspired. Discover thousands of the web’s best learning content here.” It offers everything from arts & crafts tips, to…
Technology in education is advancing every day, the only limitation being the respective school district’s budget. Small innovative companies are developing/have developed new ways to engage students with technology; ways familiar with the younger generation. On December 16th, 2013 a group of education innovators, professors, and even…
Carmen Falu is a junior at PVA, although she may not be for much longer if she continues finishing classes early. In particular, she excels in Science and English—her two favorite subjects. Carmen attributes a small part of her success at PVA to being able to work at her own pace and at home, so…
Alex Summers of Edudemic posted an article back in 2011 that detailed the top 5 advancements that were changing the face of education. Included were: social media, online classrooms, tablets, smartphones, and free online resources. Today, the idea that technology is changing the face of education holds true. It will continue to advance education in ways…