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Posts tagged ‘School District of Philadelphia’


Top 10 Most Meaningful College Majors

Having hard time deciding your major? Here is 2014-2015 College Salary Report by that asked if they feel that their job makes the world a better place. 1. Pastoral Ministry- 93% 2. Nursing- 83% Clinical Laboratory Science- 83% 3. Child Development- 80% 4. Athletic Training- 78% Early Childhood Education- 78% Sports Medicine- 78% Medical…


2014-2015 Yearbook!

Philadelphia Virtual Academy is proud to present our first yearbook. The yearbook is available to purchase online for every grade. You can easily purchase your Philadelphia Virtual Academy yearbook directly online. * The yearbook costs $22.00. * Additional $6.95 for hard cover. Get started by clicking on this link: The passcode is 101431438253976

senior party

Dear Students: Senior Mixer!

I had the great opportunity to participating in organizing a Senior Mixer requested by the 2015 graduating class. Since we will be graduating soon, the Student Council felt that it was important to arrange an event that will allow us to interact with those we are learning alongside. Though I was a little nervous, I…


Are Cyber Schools for Anti-Social?

The first time I ever heard of cyber school was when I was attending Greenfield Elementary School in the 5th grade. I didn’t know as much about cyber school. Back then I thought that all cyber school students were kind of “weird” because they never have any human contact. How wrong I was… because 1 year later, my school was…


Understanding School Budget

This post is a continuation from the last post; click here if you haven’t seen it yet, After the Q&A session ended, the groups were treated to 2 expenditure scenarios because Mr. Stanki wanted to give the students a chance to see what he and his staff work on a regular basis. In these scenarios,…

senior info

Introducing… Cyber Senior!


Keeping the District Above Water

Why is there a lack of funds in the School District? Who is spending the money? Where does the money go? Where does the money come from? Why are Public Schools so behind in education? These are the questions that teachers, parents, and students have for the Philadelphia School District and the finances. But not…


Weekly Update- February 23

PVA Spelling Bee: Congratulations to 6th grader Ray Gracia, for becoming PVA’s first ever Scripps Spelling Bee School Champion. Congratulations also to Khalid Abogourin and Usamah Brown who finished as the first and second runners up respectively. Ray will represent PVA at The District wide Spelling Bee on March 7th at The High School of the…


Make Reading Fun!

With latest technology, it makes it easy to zoom pass what we use to take time and appreciate.  That includes reading.  Contemporary kids do not bother to read anymore.  Even for school assignments, it is easy to access the summary of the book, or if the book is made into a movie, they will rather watch…


Philadelphia Virtual Academy Hosts Openhouses and Begins Orientation.

Philadelphia’s first public cyber school hosts open houses and orientation for returning students.