Technology in education is advancing every day, the only limitation being the respective school district’s budget. Small innovative companies are developing/have developed new ways to engage students with technology; ways familiar with the younger generation. On December 16th, 2013 a group of education innovators, professors, and even…
On December 16th, we had our first PAFA art workshop right here in 440 N Broad st! Two art coordinators from PAFA were kind enough to come down and teach us about optic illusion. From the previous PAFA trip, our tour guide spoke a little bit about abstract art so during this workshop, we…
Alex Summers of Edudemic posted an article back in 2011 that detailed the top 5 advancements that were changing the face of education. Included were: social media, online classrooms, tablets, smartphones, and free online resources. Today, the idea that technology is changing the face of education holds true. It will continue to advance education in ways…