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Archive for April, 2014

PVA Weekly Update — April 28

The spring weather is here to stay and with it come some exciting PVA announcements!   PVA Goes to the Opera Last Wednesday, some students and administrators headed over to the Academy of Fine arts to see an inspiring production of Mozart’s Don Giovanni! Can you find yourself or any of your friends in the…

How EdTech Innovators Can Learn From Classroom Teachers

Our EdTech posts of past have primarily focused on how educators and schools can focus their curriculum on new education technology innovations to increase student involvement and improvement inside the classroom.  A recent article by Jordan Shapiro of flips the perspective. Shapiro asks EdTech entrepreneurs, “Have you asked the teachers what they want, or…

Maintaining a Good Online Presence

Social media is everywhere, and most of us take part in it to some extent. It is important to keep up your online presence so that when opportunities arise your current and future employers are impressed with what they see. Everyone can see what you post online, nothing is private and nothing can completely erased…

Weekly Update — April 22nd

As another nice week of weather rolls in, PVA rolls forward. Tomorrow is our trip to the Academy of Music at the Kimmel Center as “PVA Goes to the Opera.”  We’ll be seeing a dress rehearsal of Mozart’s Don Giovanni.  Students are welcome to simply meet at the Kimmel Center prior to the start time…

Portugal’s EdTech Success Story

  Portugal’s government launched the National Technology Plan for Education (NTPN) to combat poor international test results, economic decline and scant internet access.  According to Laura Devaney from eSchool News, the NTPN’s goal was to create a knowledge-based society, using technology and internet access to make the country’s education system not only current, but top-notch. The…

post it

A $5 million challenge for a tech solution to help community college students graduate

PVA Weekly Update — April 14th

Breaking News:  The weather, it’s gorgeous!  Get outside this week, PVA.  Now onto the real news. Sign ups for “PVA Goes to the Opera” are due tomorrow.  We’ll be seeing a special rendition of Mozart’s Don Giovanni at the Academy of Music as part of the Kimmel Center. PSSA’s are unfortunately still in the news…

Protecting Yourself from Identity Theft

This week’s EdTech post focuses on the very real threat of identity theft online.  Once considered a joke, identity theft is now a common issue in Washington, D.C. and something to protect yourself from today.  Almost monthly, a new story breaks about hundreds of thousands of passwords, personal information, and credit card numbers being hacked…

Brain Food

It happens to the best of us: we’re working on homework and suddenly– BAM– the pang of hunger hits us and productivity is lost. No need to panic and reach for the nearest bag of potato chips. The options below are just as easy to grab and they’ll nourish your brain and get you back…

PVA Weekly Update — April 7th

First and foremost, go ahead and sign up for “PVA Goes to the Opera”.  We’ll be visiting the Academy of Music at the Kimmel Center to see Mozart’s “Don Giovanni” on April 23rd. Last week, PVA wrapped up its PSSA testing– great job everyone! But if you missed your testing window, make-ups are going on…