FOR SCHOOL SELECTION APPLICANTS ONLY: We have extended the appeals deadline for applicants with a documented barrier to Tuesday, Dec 17th, 2024, at 5:00 pm EST
Preliminary eligibility statuses are now available: log in and learn more HERE.
Participate in the Facilities Planning Process – Take the Feedback Survey or Attend a Community Conversation.
Ever have that moment where you’re watching a movie and then suddenly you recognize a storefront, a street corner or a monument? If you’ve ever seen Rocky, I’m sure you immediately recognized the infamous steps out front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. In fact, there is now even a statue to remind Philadelphia and…
In Philadelphia, being a student gets you more than just an education. For all of the time you put into your classes and homework, you can put more time into the city around you. To make this even better, many places around Philly offer student discounts as a reward for your hard work. The Kimmel…
Technology in education is advancing every day, the only limitation being the respective school district’s budget. Small innovative companies are developing/have developed new ways to engage students with technology; ways familiar with the younger generation. On December 16th, 2013 a group of education innovators, professors, and even…