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Posts tagged ‘philly virtual’

Excite Your Snow Day

The first snow day of the winter is always so exciting; you can kick back and do all of the things that you usually can only dream of during the school day. But by the end of the winter, you’ve done it all. Here are some ways to excite your snow day that you may…

PVA Takeover at PAFA

PVA visited our favorite Philly destination, PAFA, on February 27th.  Students experienced the Beyond the Paint exhibit, the Self-Reliance Library and a variety new modern pieces. We’re looking forward to the next trip on March 26th!

Philadelphia’s Favorite Sons, Daughters and Pastimes

We’ll start with maybe the most famous Philadelphian of all-time, Mr. Benjamin Franklin. One of the most innovative men in history, Ben Franklin developed the printing press, discovered electricity, and created the bifocals to name a few of his abundant accomplishments. Betsy Ross She designed the original American flag and you can still take a…

PVA Weekly Update – Feb. 24, 2014

The past week was a busy one for PVA! Last Thursday, as mentioned in last week’s Weekly Update, the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts (PAFA) came to PVA.  It was an eye-opening experience for quite a few students.  Beyond the Paint proved to be an intriguing program! Last Friday was a welcoming day for Philadelphia…

Creating a Productive Study Space

Ever sit down to do homework and end up scrolling through Facebook for an hour instead? Nowadays, the solution isn’t as simple as turning off technology, as its use is frequently required for homework. If you find yourself easily distracted by your surroundings, try these seven tips on how to create a more productive study…

PVA’s Student of the Month: Khalid Abogourin

Khalid Abogourin is a seventh grader at PVA and will be celebrating his 13th birthday on February 27th.  Khalid is an athlete (football and baseball especially) and a gamer.  He also “loves to learn about new things.”  His favorite subject at Philadelphia Virtual Academy is Mathematics.  When asked why he chose PVA, Khalid responded, “We…


An already prevalent figure in educational content, Discovery has adopted a new website configured specifically for those using M.O.O.C.s and those learning independently. With the tagline, “Never Stop Learning”, Discovery wants you to “Explore and be inspired. Discover thousands of the web’s best learning content here.” It offers everything from arts & crafts tips, to…

The Virtual Academy Super Bowl

As you may already know by seeing it on our Weekly Update and Facebook page, PVA joined BVA to compete in the annual Virtual Academy Super Bowl.  It took place the week of the real Super Bowl, which may or may not have been overshadowed by the Virtual Academy Super Bowl, a much more exciting,…

PVA Weekly Update – Feb. 17, 2014

Unlike most city schools, PVA wrapped up a progressive, uninterrupted week on Valentine’s Day with its’ Super Bowl Contest. As an online virtual academy, PVA was granted the privilege of progress, even with a record snowfall on the ground.  Students continued to climb the class ranks, the SRP had yet another great week, and the…

Hometown Pride: Rocky and More

Ever have that moment where you’re watching a movie and then suddenly you recognize a storefront, a street corner or a monument? If you’ve ever seen Rocky, I’m sure you immediately recognized the infamous steps out front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. In fact, there is now even a statue to remind Philadelphia and…