April Tutoring
PVA students & families,
PVA will be offering an expanded schedule of tutoring for the remainder of the school year. The new tutoring times for the month of April are listed below. We will see how this schedule goes and I will make changes if needed for the last months of the year. Tutoring takes place in Room 1082 @ 440 N Broad St. TransPasses will be available to students who attend on a regular basis. Please note that previous tutoring times on Tuesdays and Thursdays have changed.
***No tutoring on April 6, 22, and 25.
On this site, you can find tutoring times, help session details, places to get help, and important announcements. Please check this page before you come in, in case PVA has to cancel or postpone any events.
April Tutoring
10AM – 12PM Writing Lab
1PM – 3PM Algebra tutoring
1PM – 3PM Middle school math tutoring
10AM – 12PM Writing Lab
1PM – 3PM Geometry tutoring
1PM – 3PM Algebra II tutoring
12PM – 3PM Open tutoring
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
Brad Layman
Director of Academic Support
440 N Broad Street, Room 1082, Philadelphia, PA 19130
(P) 215-400-5392 (F) 215-400-3111
(E) dlayman@philasd.org
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