PVA Weekly Update — March 3rd

First and foremost, drop-in learning centers are closed today.  Students are encouraged to stay home, stay warm, and work at their own pace.

Second, PROM!!

prom heroes

As we discussed in the senior meeting last Wednesday, deposit money for prom is due by March 13th.  Email Mrs. Kulikowski for more information info@bvapa.org or pvacontact@philasd.org

The next Senior Meeting in the VO is next Wednesday, March 12th, at 10am.

The PAFA field trip last Thursday was a tremendous success!!  Check out our blog on the event in the new Events and Excursions category.

On Friday we had the 6th grade health screening, if you missed it check your email for the make-up date.


To join or learn more about the newly formed Chess Club, email Mr. Humes at info@bvapa.org or pvacontact@philasd.org

We also put together a Student Activities Club, to learn more email Ms. Drayton at info@bvapa.org or pvacontact@philasd.org

If you haven’t already heard, the Writing Club has been established and meets every other Wednesday at 1:30pm in the VO.  The next meeting is March 12th, feel free to stop in. You can also email Mrs. Kulikowski for more information at info@bvapa.org or pvacontact@philasd.org


Hemingway or Charlie Sheen?

Look out for the newly added Senior Section later today!