Is College Worth It?


When you start earning money at a young age, college seems meaningless.  School is boring and after 4+ years, you are slandered with loans.  Does it seem worth it? Here are some tips to keep you focused.


money-clipart141. College is not as expensive as you think.

College tuition will overwhelm you once you start looking at payment plans.  But it doesn’t have to be that way.  Many students start in community college and take enough credits and transfer to a university.  This saves money and time; Community college is affordable and you can save time pondering over what major you should decide on, if you are undecided.  Another way is to start researching ways to receive scholarships and funds in high school.  Ask your counselor now on some of the ways to raise money for college.  Here are some tips to save for college here.


unbalanced-scale-right-hi2. Having option.

There is no better way to put it; going to college will open more doors for you.  Achieve more for yourself and expect more.  You never know what might surprise you.


49371293. Additional scholarships.

Not all of the scholarships and funds are available to you from FAFSA.  There are some additional funds you can receive from your school.  Schedule an appointment with your chose of school counselor and make sure you are getting all the information correctly.  This will higher your chance of attending– and finishing school.


rinKrKdrT4. Co-op programs.

Not all of the schools, but more schools offer co-op programs now.  Co-op programs are way for you to get plugged into a job to get more hands-on experience for a semester or a year.  Even if they don’t offer co-op programs, they have numerous networking opportunities for you to attend and connect with new business members.  They can offer internships… where else can you get that kind of opportunity?


world-map-globe-clip-art-stillsocialstudies5. Study abroad programs.

One of the things I regret the most is going forth with studying abroad when I got my acceptance letter.  One of the things you need to know is that colleges want you to experience study abroad.  Students will say how expensive it is, but again, when you look it up, there are numerous scholarships out there just for study abroad.  This is a great way to experience new culture, as well as meeting new people.


cartoon39146. School names?

If school name is one of the things that is stopping you from applying to colleges, you are wrong.  School names barely matter.  As long as you have great GPA and used all the opportunity the colleges provide, you are good to go.

Read more in this article from Forbes.